How to stop overthinking, over-worrying, over-analysing and other such spiraling
I got an incredible email from one of my clients the other day. She said - I meditated on the question of how much energy I would save if I stopped leaning into the worry and self-criticism, and the answer I got was 80%!
How's that for awareness!! The only question one might ask as a follow up is, now that you know it, how do you change...
Well, that is as good a question as any, and today I want to share with you exactly that. How do you stop 'over-everything'.
In conversation I had recently, I remembered how much I had enjoyed the book 'Psycho- Cybernetics' by Maxwell Maltz, and this week on my lengthy yet empty school runs, I've started to re-listen to this phenomenal book. (Yes, I highly recommend it!).
To paraphrase what I want us to focus on, Maltz says - we have to learn to separate facts from fictions. When you tell yourself or anyone else, for that matter, how something is, make sure you stick to the facts, because the fiction is the part that gets your spiralling going.
For example, he tells about a businessman who shared an Almighty loss. The businessman said, 'I lost all my money and I am ruined'.
Fact: the guy lost all his money
Fiction: he's now ruined
Another example, he himself was told he would never be a doctor.
Fact: His parents didn't have the money to send him to college
Fiction: this would prevent him from achieving his dreams
These are just a couple of examples from other people, but if you pay attention, you will see that this is how we talk all the time. We confuse facts with fiction, believe the fiction and let that stop us from doing or achieving what we want. Or, it makes us stay in a downward spiral a lot longer than needed.
When I say use this trick to stop 'over-everything', I am inviting you to pay extra attention to what you say to yourself when you overthink, over-worry or over-analyse. You tell yourself the facts and then believe the fiction. In other words - it is never the event itself that brings us down, it's the meaning we give the event that does, and this is what we must stop.
The other thing Mr Maltz talks about in the book is breaking free of negative habits, and being super intentional about changing them, by making a decision to consciously do the opposite for a duration of 21 days.
For example, if you're in the habit of negative thinking and don't know how to get out of this loop, decide for yourself that from now on, for the duration of 21 days, you do the opposite: whenever you notice a negative thought, you consciously ignore it and bring instead a positive one (you may prepare a few in advance if you wish), and distract your patterns in this way.
If you care to try, you will find that your whole self is shifting because you are breaking free of patterns of behaviour that are so ingrained, you no longer notice how unnecessary they are.
Like my client from the story above said - at least 80% shift!!
Will you try?
I've recently recorded some new videos on my YouTube channel and I think you might be interested in some of them.
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You may remember me telling you a few months ago about my collaboration with the wonderful Ann Smets and Dr Michelle Greenwell forming the AME for Greatness Project.
This project is unique in that, when you sign up, you get 3 sessions with each of us, amplifying your healing and growth, in ways you don't get to when you're working with just one practitioner.
AME for Greatness is opening its gates again for a new cohort, and this time we decided to keep the price the same, which is seriously an unbelievable value for money!
For £750, you get:
3 healing sessions with Ann Smets
3 healing sessions with Dr Michelle Greenwell
3 healing sessions with myself
Once monthly group healing
WhatsApp group for intentions, motivation and inspirations.
If this sounds even half as incredible as what it is, I invite you to book a discovery call with the three of us. People who've taken us up on this offer before all share truly fabulous transformations and wonderful changes to mind, body and soul.
To find out more, please visit:
If you haven't got your own lifetime access to the natural cancer healing summit, you are not too late!
You can do this here:
And in the meantime, here's this week's selected quote - featuring Mark Simon Most people know that sugar feeds cancer, but not enough people know about this nutrient that is even more powerful in cancer-feeding, or what they can do about it!
To watch, listen or read the full interview, as well as 44 others like it, get your own lifetime access of this mind-blowing summit, here: https://www.untangledhealing.c...
With: Mark Simon
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Dottie's Tip Of The Week
![]() | You can't see it so well in this photo, but I was taking a moment to sit in the sun (it's the sun you can't see..). I've been running up and down the soon-to-be garden, barking at the neighbours' dog who was clearly invading my energy field... Anyway, all this was very tiring, so I took one moment to rest, and that's when they decided to take their incriminating photos... So yes, here's me chillin in the sun, taking a moment to just be. I recommend you do the same - just make sure to demand they all switch off their phones, first! |
I've worked with people to help them heal all sorts of medical conditions - mostly ones the doctors couldn't find drug-free solutions for. Examples?
- Fibromyalgia
- Psoriasis
-Enlarged Prostate
- Cancer (breast, lung, Lymphoma)
- Colitis
- Chronic headaches /migraines
- Chronic back, neck shoulder pains
- Eczema
- Neuropathy
- Sleep problems
- Thyroid problems
- Chronic Fatigue
- Long Covid
- Vertigo
- and so many more
To chat about your own conditions and how my methods can help, please book a chat using the link:
Wishing you a wonderful week ahead,
einav x