Where do we get stuck in old habits and unnecessary beliefs?
The problem with most people, according to me, is that we can't very easily see what we believe to be true. The only thing we do notice, if we actually care to look, is how we behave...
In other words, we may notice the things we do, say or practice, but it's not very often that we know what makes us do them in the first place.
- Why, for example, do we go to sleep at the time that we do?
- Why do we go out of our way to make something better for someone else but will not do the same for ourselves?
- Why can we spend an amount of money on others but will never spend it on ourselves?
- Why are we ok saying something to others, but will never be ok hearing the same from others?
Some people might say it's who they are, and of course, they'd be right, but when we take it to the next level, that's when this answer can no longer be satisfying.
When I just got back to this new house after being away while damp work was underway, I turned on the tap in the bathroom and was disappointed to note we only had cold water running.
Later, when I went into the other bathroom, I noticed we did have hot water running there. Confused me to the core, that did, until I realised that the old occupiers had the taps wired the wrong way around, and to get the hot water from the first bathroom, I needed to turn the tap the other way around!
If I only had the one bathroom (we currently have no kitchen), I would never have tried turning the tap the other way, and would FOREVER believe the hot water was not available.
We do this all the time! Believe when the doctors tell us there is no cure, or that we're too late in life to really achieve our dreams. We believe there is only one way or one answer, and then we settle. Later, we feel disappointed, sad or frustrated that this is as good as it gets...
I was talking to someone the other day. She really wants to get better, but she believes it when she says that she tried everything. She is right. She did try everything - but only everything in the way she is right now, not the way she can be if she ever allowed her fear of change to take the back seat for a change.
My husband, who you may have heard me talk about before, and who hails from Mongolia, has a brilliant (Mongolian) phrase he uses that says - 'even the donkey doesn't see the hair on its own head...' (sure, he doesn't always say that in a fun tone...😁), but the point is that we don't have to just accept that things are and should or could never change.
If you want it, and if it is not happening right now, there are a whole lot of questions you can be asking that will help you find where it is you are settling and believing there is no other way.
Most of the time, the things you really, truly want, are just a corner away from you realising you don't have to do things as you have done, and that you can, in fact, thrive for more.
I think it was Steve Jobs who said he looked at himself in the mirror every day, and if for too many days in a row, he'd say he was not enjoying what he was doing, he'd change jobs. Or something like that.
So if you're finding a challenge in your life, be it health, finance, relationship or other, how long before you realise there is something deeper at play and it's time to start asking different questions? For example, (park your ego, first) - in what way am I contributing to this problem? In other words, what am I refusing to do to make this go away?
I know, for example, that I would like to lose weight. I also know that I tried everything. I also know that to lose the weight I need a different kind of plan and a very different kind of commitment than the one I am currently willing to make. It is true I tried everything before, but it is also true I am standing in my own way...
Now over to you...
What is your biggest challenge right now, or one that is bothering you most? What will it take to get different results? What beliefs about your situation have you bought into? What is one thing you've been rejecting for years that you might be willing to try - for the first time or again, that might bring with it different results?
If you're struggling to find it by yourself then let me know - always happy to chat!
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Natural Cancer Healing is a 45-speaker strong resource highlighting natural healing from many different and unique aspects, regardless of the path you choose.
People are sharing about the inspiration the various interviews have given them and if you are in need of some motivation, then this is for you - cancer or otherwise.
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Dottie's Tip Of The Week
![]() | If it was up to me, I would go down the stairs and roll around in the nice, fresh, thick layer of resins the builders put down to help tackle the damp problem. Unfortunately, the HUMMANS decided this was not the best idea and locked me behind bars... I guess sometimes things don't happen the way we want them for reasons we can't see... |
Best Client's Quote This Week
People sometimes make a decision about what is possible to heal and what isn't way before we even speak!
Here is a quote to help remind you that there are no limits to the healing we can achieve!
I've worked with people to help them heal all sorts of medical conditions - mostly ones the doctors couldn't find drug-free solutions for. Examples?
- Fibromyalgia
- Psoriasis
-Enlarged Prostate
- Cancer
- Colitis
- Chronic headaches /migraines
- Chronic back, neck shoulder pains
- Eczema
- Neuropathy
- Sleep problems
- Thyroid problems
- Chronic Fatigue
- Long Covid
- Vertigo
- and so many more
To chat about your own conditions and how my methods can help, please book a chat using the link: https://calendly.com/einav-4/coaching-discovery-call
einav x