Life advice from an unlikely source

How to focus on what we want instead of what we don't?

Before we get to life advice, I want to share with you the most profound differentiation between curing and healing, which comes from Dr Alberto Villoldo in the book I will recommend later in this email - Grow a New Body.
Curing, he says, is the business of medicine, and it involves eliminating symptoms; while healing is the crafting of a healthy lifestyle by eliminating the cause of suffering and disease and then creating a meaningful destiny.

We all need to hear this differentiation because we are all too quick to address the symptoms and often, not even aware we are looking for fixes in the wrong place.

When I work with people, I want to help you get to the root cause of the symptoms you are experiencing: mind, body and soul!

Ok, life advice...

When it was time for me to decide what category of driving licence I wanted to have (small car or track), I chose track. Why? because it would allow me 7 passengers, a real plus in the remote area I grew up in.

The day of the first lesson arrived, and there was I, sitting proudly inside the
cabin of a 12-meter-long track!!!
The driving instructor was very patient and after some explanations, it was time to hit the road...

The lessons were carried out in a very busy lakeside town, with tiny streets. My biggest challenge, it quickly turned out, was how to drive forward without bumping into parked cars and still maintain a speed higher than 2MPH...

My instructor, noticing the visible no-bumping efforts, gave this wonderful advice for life... He said - when you're focusing on the parked cars, you naturally want to follow your gaze, and that's when you'll bump into them. Focus, instead, on the gap between them by looking ahead into where you want to go, and you will automatically align yourself to avoid those pesky little things...

I must say I never bumped into a parked car, not even years later, when I moved to the UK where driving was on the other side of the road, and knowing how much car I have to the right of me was a whole new challenge in itself!!

The only thing to do now is to see how we can use this for life...
Simple, right?
When we focus on what we don't want, this thing continues and grows.
When we focus on the things we do want, they materialise and become the new norm.

It takes awareness of how you're doing things now, to recognise what you do that isn't working, followed by curiosity of how to do things differently - even, or especially, if you have no idea how to do this.

Because if you know how to do this, you would be doing this, likely ending up exactly where you are right now.

When you don't know what this looks like, you allow for new ideas, explorations, experiments, etc to come in and show you the way...

Look up and out into the horizon, opening up to ideas of joy, fun, flow and allow your spirit to guide you where to go next.

Many people will notice how uncomfortable this makes them feel, but this is just because we falsely believe that we have to have all the information before we make a move: all the how, when, where, how much, who with, etc, and if these details are not there, we feel fear and get into stuck mode.

But here's something I just thought of:

We all have all the answers within us (you must have heard this one before). But...
When we find the answer in our MINDs, we follow a path that was created by our negative voice and the quest to keep us both safe and inside our comfort zone.
When we allow our HEARTs to find the answers, we follow a path laid for us by our soul and higher self. We follow the path to alignment, harmony and trust, and we have this inner knowing that if even if we don't have the actual answers to all the details, the right ones will open up in front of us when we are ready for them!

Will you take this little challenge and find some time to reflect on what's happening in your life right now, and how come it is still there? How are you contributing to the problem by repeating the behaviours and beliefs that brought you there? What will you try, instead?


If you're wondering what is happening with the Healing Conversations podcast - it is coming back next week! Watch this space :)

You may also be interested in...

I've recently been listening to this incredible book by Alberto Villoldo - Grow a New Body.

In this book Alberto is talking not only about the 7-day program of growing a new body, but describes many practices and ideas from the worlds of Shamanism, Buddhism, and of course, nutrition and health.

When you listen, or read, this book, you are easily reminded of a beautiful, simple world out there - one that remembers that your body knows what it needs and how our current lifestyle and habits are taking us away from harmony and health.

(and on similar note)

Natural Cancer Healing is a 45-speaker strong resource that highlights natural healing from many different and unique aspects, regardless of the path you choose to walk.

People are sharing about the inspiration the various interviews have given them and if you are in need of some motivation, then this is for you - cancer or otherwise.

To get your hands on the summit, tickets can be found here:

Dottie's Tip Of The Week

I overheard a conversation my HUUMAN was having about blocking your emotions and not expressing them - to yourself or others. She was saying vulnerability is a real strength and that the fear of being vulnerable is often louder in our minds than it ends up being.

I thought this was weird. I always show my people how I feel. It's how I get extra cuddles when I'm sad, or space when I've just got back from chasing some dogs in the park.
How else would people know if you don't show them??
In the photo, by the way, the emotion is regret... it was taken after I proudly peed on the floor too close to a mattress... oops!

Best Client's Quote This Week
People sometimes make a decision about what is possible to heal and what isn't way before we even speak!
Here is a quote to help remind you that there are no limits to the healing we can achieve!

I've worked with people to help them heal all sorts of medical conditions - mostly ones the doctors couldn't find drug-free solutions for. Examples?
- Fibromyalgia
- Psoriasis
-Enlarged Prostate
- Cancer (breast, lung, Lymphoma)
- Colitis
- Chronic headaches /migraines
- Chronic back, neck shoulder pains
- Eczema
- Neuropathy
- Sleep problems
- Thyroid problems
- Chronic Fatigue
- Long Covid
- Vertigo
- and so many more

To chat about your own conditions and how my methods can help, please book a chat using the link: